
Family Ticket Package now Available
Family Ticket Package now Available
Updated on 12/13/2024

The Northwest Area School District values the integral role that family and community support plays in the success of our athletic programs. Recognizing that attending athletic events can pose a financial burden for larger families, the District is pleased to introduce the Family Athletic Pass Program.

Program Guidelines:

This program offers a discounted group rate for families with more than two children residing in the same household.

  • Eligibility: The Family Athletic Pass covers two adults (parents/guardians) and all children residing in the same household. Extended family members are not eligible.
  • Maximum Fee: Upon approval and issuance of the Family Athletic Pass, the maximum fee for attending any HOME Ranger athletic event will be $12. This fee covers the entry cost for two adults and two students. All additional children residing in the same household will be admitted free of charge.

Registration Process:

To apply for the Family Athletic Pass, please email Mr. Vito Malacari, Athletic Director, at Include the following information in your email:

  • Full names of two adults (parents/guardians)
  • Total number of children residing in the household

You will receive a Family Athletic Pass card upon review and verification of information. Please present this card at the gate when attending any HOME Ranger athletic event to receive the discounted family rate.


If you have any questions regarding the Family Athletic Pass Program, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Malacari at the email address provided above.


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